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How businesses can respond to both the challenges and opportunities during the COVID-19 crisis

With the rapid, global spread of COVID-19, the entire world is facing a scary time. Already, we have seen some businesses doing all that they can to keep up with increasing consumer demands, selling out of many products and struggling to keep up. While other businesses are struggling to survive, with sales and leads drying up, and some being forced to make drastic cuts or completely close up shop. We have compiled a list of key ways that businesses and marketers can adapt during this time, to navigate the challenges and leverage the opportunities, to survive and even thrive during this time.

Avoiding New Website Blues: Why You Need Website Discovery

Have you ever been involved in a website project where the final deliverable or outcome just didn’t hit the brief of what you wanted or had envisaged? If not, that’s awesome! But if your answer is a resounding ‘yes’, you’re not alone. This, unfortunately, happens a lot with website projects. However, it can easily be avoided if a proper discovery process is followed to truly understand the expectations and objectives for the project.

Recap: Highlights from the Gold Coast Shopify Meetup – Feb 2020

Last night was the first Gold Coast Shopify Meetup of 2020 and what a great way to kick off this year’s series of events! We invited along the Director of Dracakis Advisory, Peter Dracakis and Co-Founder of Luxey Cup, Sandra-Lea, to share their insights with a room packed full of Shopify Merchants, aspiring eCommerce entrepreneurs, and various industry partners.


Get real about your growth

Sometimes digital growth is strategically simple—we call it leverage. Let’s start talking.